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Change resolution to 320 by 240 [14 Kb] Германия. Мюнхен. Комната ожидания (фактически -- задержанных), пытавшихся попасть в страну без должной визы. Там я сидел и целый час ожидал представителя Люфтганзы, который, надо отдать должное, поменял билет на не требовавший Шенгенской визы.
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В комнате висела карта Мюнхена на нескольких европейских языках... а в углу её... от руки... было пририсовано То Самое Слово Из Трёх Букв.
И увидел я его, и понял, что я уж не первый, кто томится в этом месте, и стало мне как-то легче и веселее. Спасибо неизвестному автору настенной живописи!
So, while having a connection flight in Germany, I was stopped on the passport check for not having a Shengen visa! Which I actually needed just because I was making *two* connecting flights in Germany, not one... After that, the German Border machinery has taken me out of the passengers flow placed into this room's Limbo. Here, in the uncertainty, I've waited for one hour before the Lufthansa representative arrived.
They said that this was their fault for selling me such a ticket. This obviously was not 100% the case, as I should've been more attentive when buying it. But I did not mind too much, and as a result they gave me for free a different ticket to fly through Chicago. Kudos and respect to Lufthansa!
So why the map, you would ask? Well, sitting there and being bored, I started styding it... and soon discovered the "ХУЙ" ("DICK") inscription made in Russian in the map's corner!
Somehow, that made me feel less lonely -- probably due to the realization that I was not the first Russian with a trouble in this room... and I felt better.
So I'm very thankful to that Unknown Author. Knowing that his writing probably won't survive for too long, I decided to immortalize it in this photo :)
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